Wednesday, April 28, 2010

@the end of the road

The newest painting after the whole wedding event. I got to be honest, after a few weeks off, it's been hard to start painting again. An old client, came in the gallery and offered one of the first paintings I did to the gallery and said: "he's not painting like this anymore". The gallery called to tell me this. I don't know what to make of this. I mean every artist changes things, even subject matter. Most artist end up painting the opposite of what they started their careers painting. It's part of a development in your career. I can't just paint what and how people want me to. I just paint... and I'm sure that you can see my soul in every piece I make no matter when I make it. That's what you need to look in an artist. That's what I do, I have a collection of art from other artist. This painting might be to prove to the "client" that I can still move some paint around.

1 comment:

mightylark said...

You are indeed a master paint pusher.
